Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mini lunch trip

Needed to collect my staff pass at HQ hence i arranged for a lunch appt with CSS and Ms gek. Long time no see them. Very glad we are still in touch even though it has been 2 years since I left HFT. Ms gek is having her second BB! A girl :) she's due in Jan. Think her BB girl will be super cute :)
Btw, thanks Shusiang and ms gek for the treat!

The "Sale up to 50%" signage at Maximmo Dutti drew the three of us over after our lunch. Like the shoes but cost $155 at least. Too ex. Saw a very nice dress. Cost $200!! *bang head on wall*

Walked passed Garrett popcorn shop at citylink on the way back. Have been wanting to tried it for quite some time.

Tried all the flavours before I bought it. Theres almond caramel, macademia caramel, cashew caramel, caramel and cheesecorn. Finally selected caramel flavor. It's fluffy and has a nice sweet caramel taste. a very slight bitter aftertaste which I'm okay with.

But i felt i should have taken chicago mix which is caramel mix with cheesecorn, then can get both sweet and salty flavors in one bag :)

If you like popcorn, do give Garrett a try!! :D


大路痴 said...

Ohh...I was just talking about this shop with one of my friend yesterday cos we also saw a popcorn shop in orchard ion. Was wondering how the popcorn at this Garrett place tastes like. Cos i happened to pass by it one day and it looks interesting. Shall go and try it next time!

peanutos said...

Yea! Ask to sample the different flavors first! They will let u try de. :)