Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turnaround Thursday?

Today I tried out the new route to bishan that st and pr recommended. It's slightly faster! Thank God! And I managed to pack a 50cents coffee before the shuttle bus ran off. Phew. Today was also a fulfilling day at work. Learnt from buddy how they created the excel MAC using macro. :) arranged for opening meeting n another one or Tmr. However, I should have looked for my boss regarding tmr's thing on the agenda and what I need to prepare. I actually did look for her. However I did not approach her cos the snr mgr was inside and thought I shouldn't disturb them. I was also feeling unwell with occasional cramps and feverish feeling. So uncomfortable that I cancelled my appt With Jestee n Lee Mei. Lee mei said that i'm too tired. Wanted to resort to panadol to make myself feel better but its not in my bag. it was getting closer to 5.45pm. I sent her an email but dun think she saw it. Ard 5.40pm, she came over to tell me to do up the agenda for the meeting. She listed down for me the issues we should discuss in the meeting Tmr. I did what she told me. However, i have never prepare any meeting agenda before. Thank God i found some samples in the shared driver if not i can go die cos all my colleagues were leaving to go for drinks tog. My first OT in this co. Ha. Actually i Thank God that my boss was patient with me. She could have scold me or reprimand me or not taking the initiative to ask her on what I need to do.

I'm on the bus towards bt panjang now. Thank God for this timely bus 171. If not i need to walk in the ran. Cos i have no brolly. Wih to hurry eat my dinner and go bk sleep soon. I'm So tired.

Another good thing is I can go directly to woodlands depot Tmr and only need to reach at 9.30! so I dun have to go bishan!!! No waking up at 6!!!!
Praise the Lord! \(*v*)/

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gift fr Redapple and Poøký


Super cutes right!?
already started using it. Cos it actually starts with oct 2010 to Mar 2012. :)
Thanks poo n ping!

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Monday, November 22, 2010

First day!

Welcome to my new workstation! :D

Colleagues are warm and friendly, Chinese speaking and go home on the dot! What else do I need to say except thank God!

Haha.. Here got buddy system, my buddy is from the same dept as me and he showed me around and briefed me on our job scope. Gg to work on a project soon. Excited yet nervous :) pray that God will be with me and guide me through!

A new beginning!

Yea! On way to reporting for work at a new company. Pray that God's presence will be with me :)

Ganbate ne Peanutos!

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

gift from Dabao

Thanks to Dabao who gave this to me :) i bought it for myself last time. but never really consume until it expired. :S

But i'll make sure i finish this cos you bought it for me :)

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


My new friend, Rilakkuma and his friend, Korilakkuma. :)


I slept at 10.30pm yesterday night! Woots! 早睡早起精神好!

And I'm wearing my new top which I bought online! Love it!

Ps: Paisei for the funny and awkward icons. Haha. They are there for a purpose though. Hehe.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Peanutos puts on baking hat again!

After yesterday's attempt on Medaria cake, peanutos hands were itching to make the butter cake she has been dreaming of.

Following the recipe on a blog managed to whipped up this!

250g of butter was used (and mind you, I used the creamy one. Wooooo~~ can hear the fats forming in my body). The mixing of the ingredients was a bit messy. Forgot to put in milk and vanilla extract before folding in the flour, batter was too much for my loaf tin so i had to transfer the batter from loaf tin to springform pan. It's messy!! I got a bit panicky. Hehe. Was praying that the batter will somehow become a cake Hahah.

Thank God the japalang batter became a cake. Haha. However, I put it in the oven for too long. recipe states to bake it for 1 hr. Mine was actually ready ard 40mins. I tot I have to follow the recipe strictly. End up the cake was like that by 50mins.

I quickly took it out of the oven. Again chao tar. Hahahah. Looks like the head of koge pan and I like that character when I was in jc. Hehe.

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