Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Peanutos puts on baking hat again!

After yesterday's attempt on Medaria cake, peanutos hands were itching to make the butter cake she has been dreaming of.

Following the recipe on a blog managed to whipped up this!

250g of butter was used (and mind you, I used the creamy one. Wooooo~~ can hear the fats forming in my body). The mixing of the ingredients was a bit messy. Forgot to put in milk and vanilla extract before folding in the flour, batter was too much for my loaf tin so i had to transfer the batter from loaf tin to springform pan. It's messy!! I got a bit panicky. Hehe. Was praying that the batter will somehow become a cake Hahah.

Thank God the japalang batter became a cake. Haha. However, I put it in the oven for too long. recipe states to bake it for 1 hr. Mine was actually ready ard 40mins. I tot I have to follow the recipe strictly. End up the cake was like that by 50mins.

I quickly took it out of the oven. Again chao tar. Hahahah. Looks like the head of koge pan and I like that character when I was in jc. Hehe.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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