Thursday, January 14, 2010

Depend on God, not on myself

Woke up with fear and reluctance to go to work. Afraid of the harsh tone that I may face. Afraid that I cannot cope with the expectation and work. Was about to leave my room when I remember Mom and Dad kept telling me to pray before I leave the hotel. I put down my stuff and came before God asking for his strength to go through this, for wisdom to understand my work, for forgiveness for relying on my own strength and not walking close to Him, for forgiving the FM for hurting my with her words and that her attitude towards me will soften.

Praise God that there was really a change in her attitude towards me! cos one colleague treated many of us for lunch cos his birthday and also for her farewell. Through the lunch, we started to converse like last week, when she talked to me like a friend. so happy. the lunch was good and the chicken tasted great :D even after lunch when back to office, she was a bit stern but much better than yday :)

I also began to understand my work better and enjoy it :) even though have to OT till ard 9. i tink its worth it :) Really thank God for answering my prayers!

At night, told Mom and Dad not to worry about me and shared with Mom the answered prayer. God is really good to me :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jiayou ! U can do it together with God. Take care